Gaeilge board

The boys learned about the artist Piet Mondrian and how he painted vertical and horizontal lines, using only the colours of red, blue, yellow, white and black.

The Life Cycle of Frogs

The boys are really enjoying the new iPads lessons.

Winter is here Polar Bear display

“Space” display. First Class learned all about space, the planets and Neil Armstrong.

If boys are finished their work early, they can choose an early finisher activity. These include Irish/English and Maths activities.

Our Class museum. The boys were encouraged to bing in objects/artefacts from the past.

Each boy created a winter silhouette

“Look Whooooooo’s in First Class” owl display

The boys really enjoyed Irish dancing, which they undertook for a few weeks.

“Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh’s 50th Anniversary” door display.