The boys are busy learning to spell new words with the help of Múinteoir Minion!

Each boy created a sea creature to add to our “Under The Sea” display.

The boys had great fun making pictures out of 2D shapes.

The boys revisited their past and remembered the toys they played with when they were babies!

They then compared them with the toys they now play with.

The boys are really enjoying using “The Dinosaur Den”, which is a fun library area in the classroom where the boys can enjoy reading a book when they are finished their work early.

Each boy has his own “Autumn Scarecrow” which he coloured in Autumn colours – red, yellow, orange, brown, gold, peach etc.

Every boy brought in a photograph of themselves when they were 1) a baby, 2) a toddler, and 3) present day. These were used to create “Our Class Timeline”

Our Autumn display

The boys had great fun creating Leaf Animals

“In the Autumn I see…”

The boys brought in conkers and leaves which can be seen on our Nature Table.