Concert timetable

//Concert timetable

Concert timetable

Please find our Christmas Concert timetable here. The concerts will be on Wednesday 16th and Thursday the 17th of December. Both days will be a replica of each other. Tickets (€3 each) will be on sale next Monday.

10am: School Choir

10.15: School Band

Junior Infants: 10.30

Senior Infants: 10.45

First Class:11am

Second Class: 11.20am

Third Class: 11.35am

Fourth Class: 11.55am

Fifth Class: 12.10pm

Sixth – Ms Henchin’s: 12.30pm.

Sixth: Mr McConnell’s: 12.40pm


2015-12-02T11:37:03+00:00 December 2nd, 2015|Latest News|